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Tinz Twins

πŸͺ„ Magic AI News

24 stories

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Magic AI News
Magic AI News
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Tinz Twins

πŸ€– ML

42 stories

Picture of the authors
Build a Local Chatbot in Minutes with Chainlit
A cartoon man in front of a desk with a laptop (Generated with Microsoft Copilot)
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Tinz Twins

πŸŒ… Frontend

5 stories

Build a Local Chatbot in Minutes with Chainlit
A comprehensive Guide to building enterprise-level Plotly Dash Apps
Build a beautiful-looking GPT Chatbot with Plotly Dash
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Tinz Twins

πŸš€ Online Business

5 stories

ElevenLabs: Turn your words into any language
Notion AI: Boost Your Productivity and Creativity in Minutes
Towards Finance
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Tinz Twins

πŸͺ„ Magic AI Tools

9 stories

A cartoon man in front of a desk with a laptop (Generated with Microsoft Copilot)
Beehiiv* website (Screenshot by authors)
ElevenLabs: Turn your words into any language
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Tinz Twins

πŸ“ˆ Invest

17 stories

Towards Finance
Mastering Bollinger Bands: A Comprehensive Guide with Python and OpenBB
Time Shifting in Pandas using the time series data from Tesla stock
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Tinz Twins

🐍 Python

2 stories

Time Shifting in Pandas using the time series data from Tesla stock
Demystifying DateTimeIndex in Pandas for Time Series Analysis
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Tinz Twins

😎 Reports

2 stories

Our Transformative Journey in Content Creation in 2023
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Tinz Twins

πŸ› οΈ Backend

17 stories

7 Must-Know Python Tips for 2024
Deploy Your Own MLflow Workspace On-Premise with Docker
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Tinz Twins

πŸ˜‰ Mindset

3 stories

You NEED a Positive Money Mindset! We Show You How To Get It!
You don’t need a Plan B, You need a Vision
Billion-dollar wrong decisions: How can you make smart decisions?
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Tinz Twins

πŸ“Š Visualisation

5 stories

A comprehensive Guide to building enterprise-level Plotly Dash Apps
Univariate Discrete Distributions: An Easy-to-Understand Explanation
Create Interactive Plots in Python With Plotly Express
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Tinz Twins

🧐 Project Management

4 stories

Create a stunning documentation for your Plotly Dash App with MkDocs
Data Science Project Mastery through KPIs
Mastering Effort Estimation in Data Science Projects
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Tinz Twins

πŸ–₯️ Infrastructure

6 stories

How do you deploy a Web App with Docker on Render for free?
How to Deploy Your Plotly Dash App to Hugging Face Using Docker? It’s free!
Secure MQTT
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Tinz Twins

πŸ€– MLOps

1 story

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Tinz Twins

πŸ’» Mac

4 stories

Header Image: Chat Bot
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Tinz Twins

🦾 IoT

12 stories

Mastering secure MQTT with Python
Secure MQTT
Solar data Dashboard
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Tinz Twins

πŸ“š Books

1 story

Unlock the Power of Data: Must-read Books for Data Scientists in 2023
Tinz Twins

Tinz Twins

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